Danqi Qian


Full stack designer. Made in China, currently based in New York.

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Danqi Qian
Full stack designer. Made in china, currently based in New York.


Purell Wondeland / 2020
3D Rendered Video
Unreal, Cinema 4D

Purell Wonderland is a 3D rendered video depicting virtual organic park designed for making fun of social or behavioral responces happened in early period of Covid19 quarantine.
When corona virus lockdown first started, the whole world was panicking and people didn’t know how to cope with such an uncontrollable, dangerous and fully closed social environment. In such a point the designer me myself got bored for staying fully indoors in the first two weeks of quarantine, and was deeply touched by the new-born flowers in a quarantine walk.
I believe our connection with the nature matters, even though it’s virtual. Then Purell Wonderland was born to provide exposure to nature with a little humor to ease our ubiquitous anxiety. The landscape filled with graphical strokes is in the shape of hand sanitizer, the essential item in this situation, and could only be recognized when reach to a higher place.

See more ideation and iterations here.